Stones balancing

Meditation Can Turn You into a Machine

Posted Posted in Mindfulness

I am such a lousy meditator that I could write an article on that subject alone. However, I feel meditation has had such a positive impact on me, that I have to bring it up, even with my beginner’s impressions only. If you are pondering whether to try it or not, or if you are a struggling beginner, this text is for you. Discovering Meditation Growing up, I always saw meditation as some mystical mumbo jumbo with no practical application. I come from an environment that isn’t big on things like meditation. Where I come from, we solve problems with […]

A man under stress

Fight or Flight: How To Deal With Stress We Haven’t Evolved To Deal With

Posted Posted in Humans

The fight-or-flight response (also called hyperarousal, or the acute stress response) is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival. It was first described by Walter Bradford Cannon. His theory states that animals react to threats with a general discharge of the sympathetic nervous system, preparing the animal for fighting or fleeing. More specifically, the adrenal medulla produces a hormonal cascade that results in the secretion of catecholamines, especially norepinephrine and epinephrine. The hormones estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol, as well as the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, also affect how organisms react […]

Sad pug in blanket

Stuck With Work? Try These 10 Tips

Posted Posted in Productivity

You know those moments of hopelessness when you can’t seem to get anything done and nothing goes your way and there’s no light at the end of the tunnel and your todo list just keeps growing instead of shrinking? Try some of these tips: 01: If you can’t seem to finish a task you are working on, break it up into smaller tasks – it will be easier to tackle. 02: Do one small and easy task first to get your self-confidence up. 03: Take a walk. At least walk around the office. Allegedly, you need 17 minutes of rest […]